Is a train wreck coming?

Is a train wreck coming?

I’ve prayed, asking the Lord about what is going on with these troubling times and how it seems the world is heading for a train wreck. Is this really so? What is to be done?

The response to my mind, is that the Lord is using these troubling times to shake things which can be shaken. Relying on things which can shake, will lead to being shaken. The intent is to get people to search and dig deeper to find that which cannot be shaken, where they can find safety and rest to their souls. For the kingdom of the devil shall shake, that those who belong to it might be stirred up to repentance (see LDS 2 Nephi 28:19, NC 2 Nephi 12:4). This should teach, at least some, to not depend on things which can be shaken or stolen from you.

This can lead to a greater awakening, that a new wave of people might come unto Christ. Some may sink into despair, while others will search out and find the One who can provide safe shelter when the storm comes and the winds blow and the earth shakes. Those within His house will not be shaken.

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