A warning in mildness and meekness

A warning in mildness and meekness

”And let your preaching be the warning voice, every man to his neighbor, in mildness and in meekness, and go ye out from among the wicked.“ (LDS D&C 38:41-42)

In much of our traditions regarding truth, the only thing, or perhaps just the most important thing that matters is the truth itself, or the principle you’re advocating. How you present the truth, doesn’t matter so much, as long as what you’re saying is true… so the tradition goes.

With this approach, if you’re trying to teach someone that 2+2=4 and they just don’t get it; then, because you are sure that what you’re teaching is true, you’re justified in whatever behavior you may want to engage in to enforce the fact because you absolutely know that you are right about this thing! Even if you end up being arrogant, flippant, mean and a real jerk about it, it’s really not your fault because you have the “truth” on your side which justifies whatever behavior you may engage in to advance the truth! What you’re trying to tell them, really is the truth, so one day they will understand and your behavior will be vindicated! Right?

When it comes to living the gospel, it’s not enough to just present something that is true, how you present it and how you behave also matter. How the truth is handled matters. Those that bear the vessels of the Lord, must themselves be as clean as the truth they bear. If the truth is pure, those who embrace it should also be pure.

Jesus taught the truth, but he did not go around dropping “truth bombs” on people. The truth could be weaponized and used to damage, exploit, or otherwise hurt people. Am I justified in weaponizing the truth simply because what I have to say is true? Or does the way in which I present it, live it, or how I handle the truth, matter?

When scriptures talk about warning your neighbor in mildness and meekness, is the mild and meek part optional? Is the warning really all that matters? Is it so important to warn, that it doesn’t really matter if one is mild and meek in warning others?

When Alma counsels his son to use boldness but not to be overbearing, is the overbearing part just optional advice? Is presenting the truth so important that it really doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you do it? Does it matter how one bears or present the truth? Is one justified in whatever behavior they engage in because the substance of what they have to say really is true? Does the truth vindicate any behavior one may engage in to advance the truth? How important is it to not only present the truth, but to do so with mildness and meekness and not be overbearing? Must those who bear the truth, be as pure as the truth they bear?

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